March 20th, 2025: Howdy and welcome to your information resource for the South Coast Track, one of Australia’s last great wilderness walks in Tasmania.

South Coast Track information
This 84 km walk between Melaleuca and Cockle Creek on Tasmania’s South Coast presents numerous challenges and many wonderful times for walkers.
The walk takes between 6-10 days, and that’s very dependent on the weather, and covers some of the most beautiful wilderness areas anywhere in the world.
Information On This Site
We’ve put together some information that we hope will be helpful to those people looking to complete the Walk.
The site contains:
- Tons of useful information
- Track Notes
- Gear recommendations (including free spreadsheets you can download and use!)
- Over 230 photos
- Videos
- Much more
- And it’s all free! Woot woot!
Can Now Buy The Book Direct Off Us (And Save!)
Without question, the best book I found for the South Coast Track walk is John Chapman’s “South Coast Track“. Basically don’t do the walk without it. It makes it so much better.
For just $19.95 you’ll get what is considered the bible by walkers walking the track from a guy who is a legend of Tasmanian bushwalking – detailed track notes, useful maps and much more.
You can buy this book direct from us here and we’ll send it straight out (you can also buy it from a few camping stores in Hobart when you’re there. It’s easy to find.).
The Usual Disclaimer: Don’t rely upon the information on this website. Whilst we try and provide accurate information, none of it comes with any warranties. Obviously. ;o)